Thursday, March 15, 2007

Worst Fears and Best Hopes

The one thing that got me in reading the 3rd chapter in Romano's book were the words, "no one knows how to do it..." That is what teachers have been fighting forever! We don't necessarily not want the technology...we need to be TRAINED in and on the technology and we are not getting that training that we need. At least not enough to feel comfortable using all the wonderful software available in our classrooms!

As a teacher of 14 years and knowing a lot of other teachers, I disagree with Godfrey that teachers will perceive computers and other technology as a threat. Indeed, we would love to have it to use if only we knew what to do with it other than drill and kill with it.

Teachers' negative attitude towards technology has not been towards the technology itself but towards the administration who just expects us to KNOW what to do with it and incorporate it into our students lives with no training or knowledge, and they DO expect that. In fact the book says that a 1999 survey conducted for Education Week says that teachers are inhibited by the use of technology by lack of training.

I'll overcome my fears and use technology for empowerment by taking classes and by learning as much as I can about computers and software.

In Romano I definitely identify with number 1. It it is the main thing I identify with. Number two runs a close second. It is like getting teeth pulled to get the administration to tell you anything, let alone get them to explain something like an explanation of how technology works

What I've learned in this class has both empowered me and scared me. I feel like I've learned some things, but I feel like if I have to do some of these things out of the class I won't be successful. But all in all I have hope that I will learn many things that I have wanted to learn for a long time.

I know I will, in the future, be more collaborative. It is easier to learn and muddle your way through when you have someone else there with you. As far as shifting control, I believe I have shifted control or will soon shift control of the computer to myself. I don't like the idea of it controlling me, but it has been because I haven't known enough about it to wield control over it. But I'm learning!