Monday, January 29, 2007

Well, I feel kinda guilty about this so I'm going to talk about it. Earlier in my blog I talked about things for my educational philosophy that was just junk. I've since changed my mind and my philosophy but I have'nt written about it in the blog so I guess I should. My philosophy is based on the teachers and students learning about computers. But in the right way. Too many times students don't learn as much as they could from computers because their teachers have not had the opportunities to learn about the computer and what they can do with it. Adminisitration is selfish with dollars to send them to truly learn how to use the computer to make the lessons for the students thought provoking, fun, interesting and to teach them to think critically. So there. Now I feel better. I've already turned in my paper, so this come kinda "after the fact" but it is in the blog like it is supposed to be!

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