Tuesday, February 6, 2007

I don't know about schools these days and I'm talking about colleges! This institution is having so much trouble with discipline it is unbelievable. I work in the library and we have a lot of trouble with discipline and plain rudeness. For every good patron there are 3 bad ones! People think the rules don't apply to them. Where does that come from? I'm really very curious that a person would have it in their mind that the rules apply to everyone else except them! Why them? High schools, middle schools and even some elementary schools have the same problems. How can teachers teach with discipline problems take up most of their time? I've been there so I know how it goes. The answer is: they can't. It's especially hard when administration won't do anything to help the teacher. But a college, of all places, isn't a place where I thought I'd hear the the words discipline problems being applied to the students of the institution. It blows my mind!

1 comment:

Gomzy said...

It happens you always tend to think that the younger generation is unruly. For example when i was in college i used to think that my juniors are a spoiled lot. and that sequence continues. chill.